Ok, so here is my middle baby, Sam wanting to get in on the action. That was a hot plate, hence the "I'm going to drop this thing in 2 seconds flat" look. It was a quick shoot, blurry pancakes and all, but my little helper was very excited to get that dinner rolling. I have to tell you that this was the first attempt at pancakes in a LONG time. Last time I tried, they were buckwheat bricks and tasted like I threw in some sawdust for good measure. Needless to say, everybody was VERY wary for my latest attempt. These were good. Better than good. They were "crazy good" according to my GF husband. I have to agree...They had a buttery, chewy/crispy outside and caky, soft inside. And they were thick and light. What more can I say? Whether you are GF or not, these tasted so good I won't ever go back to regular pancakes. Make them.
Beat the eggs, milk and vanilla on high for 3 minutes. This gets the frothy, airy texture going.
In the meantime, melt 3 T butter and add to the egg mixture with a spoon until just blended. From this point on, it's wooden spoon only. The key to the light consistency is not over beating. Lumps are good.
Add the sifted, dry ingredients to the wet by stirring for maybe 10 seconds. Repeat...We don't care about lumps. The batter will be sitting now for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or even overnight. It gets thick, bubbly and those lumps get absorbed.
Right before you are ready to grill the pancakes, add your frozen or fresh fruit or chocolate. This is where you can test the consistency. You want thicker batter, not too runny, but runny enough so that when you drop the batter onto the griddle it doesn't stand up in the same shape. You want it to flatten out a bit, maybe with a little help from your spoon. I had to end up adding almost a third of a cup of milk right before I grilled and it didn't change the taste at all. They were perfect!

Here is Madeline, my oldest getting in the shot. I have such great helpers. If the camera could pan down here, there is a one year old literally sitting on my feet making it impossible to move. She too, loves to be wherever her mom is. Here are the pancakes on the griddle. Notice how thick they are? My husband was worried they wouldn't taste right... (Read-the look on his face said what else can I start preparing for dinner when this idea tanks?) But, oh, vindication is nice. He was groveling. Pancakes used to be his lifeblood, and the hardest thing to go without being gluten free. After my earlier attempts, we thought pancakes just weren't going to be a part of our lives anymore. Until now. Try. These. Pancakes. Do it, they rock.

Here is the Recipe for "Crazy Good" Gluten Free Pancakes
2 Lg. Eggs
1 1/2 Cup Milk (plus extra for thinning later if necessary)
2 t. Vanilla
3 T. Melted Butter
1 1/2 Cup Better Batter (Of course)
1/2 t. Salt
2 t. Baking Powder
2 T. (heaping) of sugar
1. Beat eggs, milk and vanilla on high for 3 minutes
2. Stir in melted butter
3. Sift dry ingredients and quickly stir into wet ingredients for about 10 seconds
**Lumps are okay!! Do not over mix! When the griddle or frying pan is greased and ready to go, check the consistency of the batter to make sure it is just thick enough to need to be spread with the back of a spoon, and won't run on it's own.
5. Let batter sit for at least 10 minutes and up to a few hours covered in the fridge.
6. Throw the batter on a greased griddle in the desired size and flip when bubbly on the top. I fed a family of 5 with these amounts. Enjoy!
Wow. Yum. You are gooood.
Oops. That was crissie that left that last comment. Sorry.
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